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Op de Radboud Universiteit willen we impact maken met ons werk. Dat doen we door baanbrekend onderzoek, hoogwaardig onderwijs, goede ondersteuning en samenwerkingen binnen en buiten de universiteit. Zo leveren we een onmisbare bijdrage aan een gezonde, vrije wereld met gelijke kansen voor iedereen. En daar hebben we nog meer collega’s voor nodig, die vanuit hun eigen expertise op zoek willen gaan naar antwoorden. We staan voor een inclusieve gemeenschap en verwelkomen medewerkers met een verscheidenheid in achtergrond, cultuur en perspectief. Help je ook mee om de wereld een stukje beter te maken? Je bent nodig.
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Faculteit der Filosofie, Theologie en Religiewetenschappen
Medewerkers en studenten van de Faculteit der Filosofie, Theologie en Religiewetenschappen reflecteren op de grote uitdagingen van deze tijd en onderzoeken concepten, geloofssystemen en wereldbeelden. Zo voorzien zij het maatschappelijk debat van filosofische en levensbeschouwelijke context en leveren zij een bijdrage aan de analyse en oplossing van de grote maatschappelijke vraagstukken. De faculteit telt ruim 180 medewerkers, verdeeld over acht wetenschappelijke en vier ondersteunde afdelingen. Onze wetenschappers werken samen in zes onderzoekscentra en verzorgen onderwijs aan meer dan 1.000 studenten.
Onze medewerkers en studenten zijn betrokken bij elkaar. De lijnen zijn kort en er is aandacht voor de individuele student en medewerker. Meer over onze missie en visie vind je op de pagina Over FFTR.
Are you fascinated by the history of ideas in the Arab world? By how the Arabic language developed in the modern age? By its discourse on ethics and how it has affected society? In this funded PhD position, you will research the modern history of the concept of ethics in Arabic. You will be mentored by a team of experts, gain access to university-wide, Dutch, and EU grant opportunities, and network with scholars across the globe.
The concept of ethics has played a pivotal role in modern Arabic discourse: from politicians invoking it as ’the primary deciding factor’ of national progress, to philosophers claiming it as the essence of Islamic ‘reason’, to TV shows instructing the public about ethical conduct. In this project you will study the development of the modern Arabic concept of ethics (akhlāq), investigating the history of moral terms and their use in intellectual, political, literary and other fields. Understanding this history is vital to understanding how ethics was articulated and, more broadly, how conceptualisations and re-conceptualisations of ethics were spread and transformed through educational, religious and political discourses to lay the groundwork for different conceptions of modern subjectivity.
The primary resources envisioned for this study are the Arabic journals and newspapers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries (circa 1870-1950) which were a hotbed of intellectual and linguistic innovation. The main theoretical and methodological lens of the project is that of conceptual history. The concept of ethics is very broad, however, and within these bounds you are free to explore different research questions – e.g. focusing on how the concept of ethics was articulated in different religious and political discourses, how ethical terminology was translated, or how concepts of ethics were disseminated. You are also free to argue which journals, during which era are most appropriate for your project and you may suggest other sources as supplements. We are especially eager to receive proposals that suggest innovative interdisciplinary and interlinguistic approaches and make use of the growing opportunities offered by digital conceptual history.
Vivienne Matthies-Boon, professor at the Department of Philosophical Ethics and Political Philosophy, will be your promotor. Your daily supervisor will be Dr Harald Viersen, Assistant Professor at the Department of Islam, Politics and Society (IPS), who specialises in the modern history of ideas in the Middle East. A third supervisor will be assigned depending on the nature of the project.
The project will be funded by a Starter Grant awarded by the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology, and Religious Studies to Dr Harald Viersen. You will have a 10% teaching task.
You will be embedded in the Department of Islam, Politics and Society, the Center for Religion and Contemporary Society (CRCS); and the Graduate School of Humanities (GSH) of the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies. We are a small, but very active and tight-knit department. We organise research seminars where our members and invitees are given the opportunity to present and discuss their work on a regular basis and we very much encourage interdisciplinary cooperation, both within and outside our faculty.
You can apply only via the button below. Address your letter of application to Dr Harald Viersen. If you have any questions, please send an email to Dr Harald Viersen. Due to the holiday, phone calls will not be answered. In the application form, you will find which documents you need to include with your application.
The first interviews will take place on Monday 30 September 2024. You will preferably start your employment as soon as possible.
We can imagine you're curious about our application procedure. It describes what you can expect during the application procedure and how we handle your personal data and internal and external candidates.
Dienstverband | Bepaalde tijd |
Omvang functie | Fulltime/Parttime |
Gewenste startdatum | 01-01-2025 |
Salaris | Promovendus |
Salaris |
Aantal posities | 1 |
Uren | 1,0 |
Plaats | Nijmegen |
Provincie | Gelderland |
Land | Nederland |
Referentienummer | 21.013.24 |
Contact |
Gepubliceerd | 05-07-2024 |
Uiterste datum | 01-09-2024 |