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Hae paikkaan Two PhD Positions: Protest Music and Polarisation

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- Medewerker bent van de Radboud Universiteit (je hebt een arbeidsovereenkomst met de Radboud Universiteit). Je bent geen interne kandidaat als je werkt bij het Radboudumc.
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3. A research proposal (max. 800 words, excluding references) outlining your topic, case study selection and the key theoretical framework and methods guiding your project within the context of the “Tuning into Tensions: Music and Affective Polarisation in Protest Movements” project. Your project should focus on either the Dutch farmers protests or Extinction Rebellion Nederland. *

Hyväksytyt tiedostotyypit:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Maks. tiedostokoko: 40MB
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4. A writing sample, such as a Master’s thesis chapter or a published article. *

Hyväksytyt tiedostotyypit:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Maks. tiedostokoko: 40MB
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5. A detailed list of all Master’s-level courses completed, accompanied by an official transcript of grades. *

Hyväksytyt tiedostotyypit:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Maks. tiedostokoko: 40MB
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6. The names, contact numbers, and email addresses of two academic referees who may be contacted by the selection committee. Ideally, one should be your Master’s thesis supervisor. *

Hyväksytyt tiedostotyypit: pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt, png, jpg, tiff, gif. Maks. tiedostokoko: 40MB
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Liitetty CV: Lataa
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Liitetty saatekirje: Lataa