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Apply for Two PhD Positions: Protest Music and Polarisation

1. Where did you first learn about the ad? *

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2. Are you currently employed by Radboud University? *

  •  No
  •  Yes
You are employed by Radboud university if you:
- Work at Radboud University (i.e. have an employment contract with Radboud University). You are not employed by Radboud University if you work at Radboudumc.
- Currently work as a student employee at Radboud University through the campus employment office.
- Work as a temporary employee at, or have been seconded to, Radboud University.
- Are a former Radboud University employee receiving unemployment (WW/BWNU) benefits paid by Radboud University (which started less than two years ago or resulted from the discontinuation of your job/redundancy).
If you are an internal candidate, please apply with your private email address.

3. A research proposal (max. 800 words, excluding references) outlining your topic, case study selection and the key theoretical framework and methods guiding your project within the context of the “Tuning into Tensions: Music and Affective Polarisation in Protest Movements” project. Your project should focus on either the Dutch farmers protests or Extinction Rebellion Nederland. *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 40MB
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4. A writing sample, such as a Master’s thesis chapter or a published article. *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 40MB
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5. A detailed list of all Master’s-level courses completed, accompanied by an official transcript of grades. *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 40MB
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6. The names, contact numbers, and email addresses of two academic referees who may be contacted by the selection committee. Ideally, one should be your Master’s thesis supervisor. *

Accepted file types: pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt, png, jpg, tiff, gif. Max file size: 40MB
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