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Apply for PhD Position: Role of User Feedback and Introspection Mechanisms in the Context of Neurotechnological Systems

1. Where did you first learn about the ad? *

  •   Academic Positions
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2. Are you currently employed by Radboud University? *

  •  No
  •  Yes
You are employed by Radboud university if you:
- Work at Radboud University (i.e. have an employment contract with Radboud University). You are not employed by Radboud University if you work at Radboudumc.
- Currently work as a student employee at Radboud University through the campus employment office.
- Work as a temporary employee at, or have been seconded to, Radboud University.
- Are a former Radboud University employee receiving unemployment (WW/BWNU) benefits paid by Radboud University (which started less than two years ago or resulted from the discontinuation of your job/redundancy).

3. Please upload a full transcript of grades, showing the courses, credits and grades of your BSc and MSc degrees (as well as an English translation). If you have not finished your degree yet, please provide a list that is as complete as possible. *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 40MB
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4. Please upload a one-page description of your MSc thesis or any other scientific work you have completed, which is related to the topic of this PhD position. *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 40MB
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5. Please upload a two-page scientific exposé on how you would implement this PhD topic over the duration of four years. *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 40MB
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Please upload a motivation letter below, including a short statement on whether you are applying for other DONUT positions as well, and whether your application might possibly be considered for other open DONUT PhD positions as well.
Please upload your CV below, including a publication list, a list of own software repositories/projects, and the contact details of two references.
Accepted file types: pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt, png, jpg, tiff, gif. Max file size: 40MB
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Attached CV: Download
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Attached cover letter: Download